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Beat the Cold and Spiking Bills: Go Solar Before LIPA's 2024 Rate Changes

Published On: Jan 23, 2024
Updated On: Jan 25, 2024

This week's bitterly cold temperatures are leading many Long Island households to crank up the heat and face mounting utility bills just to stay warm. The extreme weather is also straining energy infrastructure, with officials calling for conservation.

The situation may worsen in coming winters, with climate change expected to bring increased weather volatility. Schedule to begin in 2024, LIPA will implement higher peak rates from 3-7 p.m. on weekdays - when energy use spikes as families return home.

Rather than budgeting for unpredictable winter demand surges and utility rate hikes year after year, now is the time to take control by going solar. Rooftop solar panels can supply your home with clean, renewable power to offset the higher-cost electricity from the grid.

Batteries Maximize Savings During Peak Times

Paired battery storage allows you to bank excess daylight solar energy and discharge it in the evening to meet peak demand. This minimizes reliance on during peak energy periods.

Investing in solar and batteries means establishing long-term stability and savings for your household energy supply - avoiding volatile utility rate changes. And with the extreme cold showing infrastructure weaknesses, having your own dependable power source is wise preparation.

This year is the best time to go solar before LIPA's 2024 timed-use pricing takes effect. Contact our experts to design your system for maximizing solar self-consumption during costly peak hours of late afternoon & early evening.

Take control of your home's energy future and get ahead of rising rates and unpredictable winter demand spikes. Go solar now!

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